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College Forward Collegians--UPCOMING DATES!
Date/Time 11/28/2006    12:18:02 PM
Subject College Forward Collegians--UPCOMING DATES! 
Organization College Forward 
Sent by Talia Carroll 
Contact Phone (512) 452-4800 
Reply Email 
Message Hello Collegians!
I hope you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving and stuffed yourselves with lots of yummy food. I am writing to inform you of some upcoming dates and information that may be of interest to you:

----> Have you been advised for next semester? If you haven' is time to do so, so that you can pick your classes and have your schedule ready. Make an appointment with your academic advisor and get it done as soon as possible. If you need help or have any questions about the process, please call or email and I will assist you.

----> Are you attending or considering a transfer to ACC? Do you need help registering or would you like someone to go with you to make the process a little smoother? I am designating two days to help you if you need it. Mark your calendars for December 18th and January 3rd. Contact me at the office 512-452-4800 or email me at with any questions or to set up a time for me to meet you.

----> The Collegian Panel and Dinner is coming up! It is going to be on December 19th at 4pm. Are you interested in visiting the College Forward high schools and talking to the students about your experience as a college student and answer their questions? If so, please contant me and let me know so that I can give you details.

----> Updated phone numbers and addresses are needed. If you never got around to sending this information to me, please do so SOON!

----> The Collegian Leadership Council will begin next semester. If you would like to hold a leadership position with College Forward, consider applying for the CLC. If you would like more information about the CLC, please let me know.

I hope you all are well! Give us a call sometime and fill us in on what's going on in your life.

Have a great Tuesday!

Talia Carroll
College Retention Coordinator
College Forward
6448 East Highway 290, Suite E-108
Austin, TX 78723
ph: 512-452-4800